VOLUMEN Toolkit | Can Volunteering & Community work be gender unbiased?

The act of offering for a world of gender equality

This toolkit is a collection of five (5) adaptable modules with non-formal education activities for frontline individuals working or interacting with volunteers and/or individuals involved in collective group activities. It was created by Genderhood (Greece) in the framework of the Erasmus+ VOLUMEN- VOLUnteering for inclusive DevelopMENt project in collaboration with Servicio Civil Internacional (Spain).

Why is gender mainstreaming in volunteering and collective group activities important?

Gender mainstreaming in volunteering and collective group activities is crucial. Therefore, the main benefits of its implementation are presented below:

1. Promoting gender equality
2. Maximising volunteers’ potential
3. Overcoming stereotypes and prejudices
4. Addressing specific gender issues
5. Empowerment of marginalised groups
6. Sustainable development

To whom is this toolkit adressed?

The toolkit “Can volunteering and community work be gender unbiased?” provides a starting point for those individuals who wish to deepen their understanding and apply a gender equality approach in their work with volunteers, activists and people involved in collective group activities. It is designed to be a ready-to-use tool for people working and interacting with youth.

Specifically, in developing the toolkit we had in mind all professionals (youth workers, youth leaders, NGO professionals and people with other profiles) who wish to bring about social change through their work with young people. Whether a group is working on climate change or humanitarian health care, at its base it involves people and every human being comes with their fundamental human rights. Thus, we believe that gender equality is a necessary and imperative principle of the universal human rights framework and, consequently, gender mainstreaming and gender transformative approaches must be implemented by every professional or organization, regardless of their sectors and/or profile.


The tookit provides guidelines for exploring gender, diversity and inclusion in the context of the 2023 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Thus, we created five (5) modules with different topics. Since the ways of assimilating the didactic content differ from person to person, we modified the methodological approaches per thematic module. In this sense, trainers can choose either from the methodology they are most familiar with or from the topic they want to explore with their group.

Creative Commons Genderhood 2023

Author: Sofia Konstantopoulou, Expert on Communications, Non-Formal Education Trainer, Genderhood

Lamprini Georgiou, Genderhood
Maddalena Pontiggia, SCI Madrid
Maria Stavroula Manousopoulou, SCI Madrid

October, 2023

The toolkit is part of the VOLUMEN – VOLUnteering for inclusive DevelopMENt programme, which aims to promote gender equality in the voluntary activities of non-profit organisations. The project is implemented by Servicio Civil Internacional and Genderhood under Erasmus+ with EU funding.