Synai/no | Non-formal education program on consent for primary school children
Synai/no for primary school is one of Genderhood’s non-formal education programs on consent, self-determination, and body autonomy, which are part of inclusive sexuality education. This experiential workshop promotes gender equality and seeks to create a safe space for children where they will be able to interact freely and share personal experiences.
In the beginning of the workshop, children explore consent, become familiar with it, define it, and through experiential games, they co-construct it together with Genderhood trainers. Then the group practices the exchange of consent and the way they can express their “yes” and “no”. In the end, each child creates a table with his or her consensual greetings, thus promoting the values of consent.
Design: Lamprini Georgiou, Educator
Empowering Children through Non-Formal Education: Promoting Consent Education
We firmly believe in the power of non-formal education to foster healthy relationships and promote consent among children. We acknowledge that discussing consent can be challenging, and traditional educational settings may not always adequately address this topic. That’s why we offer innovative and interactive workshops, discussions, and activities that empower children to understand and assert their boundaries. By engaging children in non-formal educational approaches, we enable them to explore various scenarios, understand the nuances of consent, and develop the skills needed to communicate their wishes effectively.
Through our non-formal education initiatives, we strive to equip children with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate relationships and establish healthy boundaries. We firmly believe that investing in non-formal education can empower them to make informed decisions, cultivate meaningful connections, and contribute to a safer and more inclusive society.
Educational Goals
For the children:
- they are empowered in the context of recognition and acceptance of themselves and others
- their self-confidence is developed
- the sense of equality, acceptance, and respect for diversity is cultivated
- they develop critical thinking about gender stereotypes and gender prejudices
- they are now acting as ambassadors for values such as gender equality and human rights
For the school and the classroom:
- the classroom and the school are transformed into an environment of free expression for all, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background
- bullying incidents due to gender expression are prevented and dealt with
- an inclusive climate in terms of gender and diversity in education is fostered

More details
- Facilitators: Two (2) educators from the Genderhood team
- Location: school classroom
- Duration: 90′
- Target group: children 6-12 years old
- Group number: 20 students (or number equal to a school class)
A look at previous workshops on consent!

If you have older children, then you may be interested in the Synai/no for High School workshop!